Monday, 3 September 2007

True Blue: AS WELL AS WHAT ?

True Blue: AS WELL AS WHAT ?


Mermaid of Moorgate said...

YAAY! I am the first to post! And glad you are up and running now oh Trubes!

Trubes said...

Welcome to my world Mermaid and thanks for your comments.
I am quite a novice at all this, only got my laptop in Feb. so I`m still fumbling my way around !
Good old Electro has been an inspiration by e- mailing advice on settings etc, so every day is a new challenge !
BTW. I love your Blog you are an inspiration, Trubes xx

Trubes said...
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Trubes said...

Oops! As I say "I`m quite a Novice", Don`t know how I managed to post that twice !

The Aunt said...

Welcome to the blogosphere.

It's all very gnomic so far. Blogs tend to be that way at the beginning.

Recommendations; find a suitably themed photo for each post, keep them to a few paragraphs by being as pithy as possible, and to harvest readers, make sure your comments on other people's blogs are apposite and if possible comic if appropriate. That'll be £5 please.

I wish you much luck and will be passing by to check on your progress.

Trubes said...

Miss Aunt: The "fiver" is in the post!xx

Electro-Kevin said...

You should be able to delete, y'know, Trubes.

Click on the bin icon. It won't blow up, promise.

Mermaid of Moorgate said...

He he - 'tis true what you said of Idle - I think he might be too idle to care that Mrs I is serviced by British Gas xx

Trubes said...

Mermaid : Our "Gasman" from British Gas is a woman, I think ?
Anyway she`s very butch, has a deep voice and has muscles on her like Chris Ewbank ! Darling Trubes is petrified of her hah hah, he avoids being alone with her in the garage, when she`s attending to the boiler. Strange though, as he has an "EYE" for the ladies he`s usually sweet and helpful, making small talk and coffee, always in my presence, mind ! (God knows what he gets up to when he goes out playing golf! He`s always quite tired when he returns home!) However, He`s well aware, of the fact, that I have a rather useful cleaver , which serves many purposes in the kitchen, but could easily be used to mutilate an errant husband !
Can`t you just visualise Hitch cowering in the corner as I speak ? Te he he he !

Electro-Kevin said...

Trubes, darling. I've just posted a disgusting story on my blog. I know you love 'em.

idle said...

The Lady Idle has not complained recently, but I might not have been listening. And I have been racing a lot this summer. But no stories here along the lines of E-K's Tom the Tanktop.

Mermaid of Moorgate said...

He`s well aware, of the fact, that I have a rather useful cleaver , which serves many purposes in the kitchen, but could easily be used to mutilate an errant husband

I am liking you more and more.

ps, Idle, many apologies. I see you have been riding horses instead....

Trubes said...

Electro: I did indeed read your very rude post, not for the faint hearted; You little Tinker! Are you competing with Hitch as to who can be the most disgusting? At present, he`s exhibiting himself on his site, resplendent, only in his "Kelvins", he really should get out more!
I`ve recently recommended your site to a very nice lady, called "Welshcakes Limoncelli", whatever she will think of my recommendation now, heaven only knows !

Trubes said...
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Trubes said...

Mermaid: Gee thanks for you kind word, very encouraging. I`ve got a few more little anecdotes to share, time permitting and the blasted "on-going " slipped disc improving !

Di xx

Mermaid of Moorgate said...

Hi trubes! Hope you had good weekend - prime blogging time, eh?

Electro-Kevin said...

Hope your back's better Trubes. I kinda regret posting that story now - but hey, cutting edge and all that is fraught with risk.

Yaay ! Look at the amount of wonderful comments you've got for this post.

Anonymous said...

Hello True Blue:

Congrats on launching your blog!

As one who cannot find the time to put together his own blog, here's some free hints on what I would hope to see on your blog, going forwards:

(1) Some contra views on all things anti-Liverpudlian in general...anything that trashes stereotypical views of people who live in Liverpool. Hint: do a write up on the only British VC and Bar from WWI.

(2) What Liverpool - City of Culture 08 - means to people who actually live in the city? What do you think will be the long-term legacy?

(3) How a "True Blue Evertonian" can still support a team that will be moving to West Lancs (Kirkby) in the near future. Hee hee!

(4) How much of "Liverpool 08" is thanks to Michael Heseltine's work post the '81 Toxteth Riots?

Go for it!

lilith said...

So pleased to hear that Senor Trubes is a golfer....all that quality time! Must persuade Boyfriend to take it up...

Trubes said...

Jonathan H: Thankyou for your kind words xx.
I am going to write about Liverpool but need get "out and about" to take some snapshots illustrating the many changes etc. taking place in this wonderful City. At present, I`m still a bit immobile, re back condition !
I believe the chap you allude to, who earned the VC and Bar (WW 1) was Noel Chavasse, the son of, the then, Bishop of Liverpool. As you probably know, there was a Park opposite the Albert Dock, named after the Chavasse family, in commemoration of their good works.
However, due to the development of the Liverpool One Project, the Park has been reduced in size.
The Park will be an intergral part of the new development, thus, retaining the Chavasse name.

Everton FC: Being a "True Blue I shall support them wherever they move to; BTW. Kirkby is in Knowsley, a borough of Merseyside, not W.Lancs !
Michael Heseltine was, indeed, instrumental, in bringing many changes about in Liverpool, including The Albert Dock. I met him, many years ago, at a Business
Convention in Liverpool. He was charming and full of enthusiasm for the re-development of the City.
It`s a pity it has taken so long to come to fruition ! More of this later when I`ve completed my research.